Khan Academy or Scratch Wikia

This is an age of computers. Everyone uses computers to consume the content of this website, but if a user wanted to, he or she could become one of the creators of computer technology.

On Khan Academy, a user can learn how to code computer programs, how to design algorithms that make computers more efficient, and discover what a career in computing could look like.

Computer programming - This contains tutorials on programming, the hot list and contests. Pamela Fox is the voice behind most of the tutoring videos. An intern named Jessica also made some videos. There are also projects and challenges interspersed within the course as the user goes along in order to help solidify the knowledge they are getting in the videos.

Hour of Code - The beginning of each "course" in the computer programming section above it.

Computer Science - This is more studying how hardware and software work, rather than directly applying it at that time. Nevertheless, the section will help someone to better understand what they are doing in programming and program more efficiently. Pamela also does these videos.

Learn more about this here.

Popular Computing Content[]

Computer Programming[]

Computer Science[]

Hour of Code[]

Computer Animation[]

☀ All Khan Academy content is available for free at: