Khan Academy or Scratch Wikia
Tate khan intro vid

This section only contains one short video which asks the public to let Khan Academy know why art is important to the learner. The remainder of the section consists of text pages.

Tate is a major museum in the United Kingdom. They have multiple locations where they cover art from the last 500 years or so. Learners weighed in that art is indispensable. Art is about communications. It delights the eye. It brightens the world around us. Older art told us stories and new art begs us to question what the artist was trying to convey. Advertisers use it to make us spend our money on products. Even for someone who isn't producing art that many will see, it still provides a form of expression and outlet to relieve stress.

So, why is art important? Comment below or within the discussion on Khan Academy here.

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